Central News Flash

Central News Flash and Back to School Reading Tips

10 Back to School Reading Tips

1. Set a routine.

Setting routines for mornings and evenings—including nutritious meals and an early bedtime—helps children cope with stresses that may arise from starting a new school year.

2. Read at home.

Reading regularly at home provides children with the practice they need to become great readers.

3. Make a special reading spot.

Designating a special reading spot for children to read with their parents’ guardians is not only fun but is also a great way to create a distraction-free zone where children can concentrate.

4. Be a great reading partner! 

Be patient and encouraging. Read aloud and track the words with your finger as you are reading. Read the same stories over and over.

5. Surround your child with books.

6.  Bring books everywhere.

Incorporating books into everyday activities will continue to help children become more familiar with books and will encourage everyday reading.

7. Set a good example; be caught in the act!

Children are a product of their upbringing and mimic the behavior they see at home, repeating the actions they observe from their parents or guardians. 

8. Communicate with teachers and get involved in your school.

9. Set learning goals.

Talking with children about what they would like to accomplish during the school year will help them start to learn the invaluable skill of goal setting.

10. Be enthusiastic!

Positive attitudes are very important to a child’s reading development and generate a desire to read.