Welcome Back! First Day of School Tuesday, September 3
18 days ago, Vicki Stewart
September 4, 2024 7:00pm Maine School Administrative District No. 35 Board of Directors – Regular Meeting Agenda Marshwood High School Career/Learning Center https://www.rsu35.org/page/board-meeting-stream-information Wednesday, September 4, 2024 7:00pm 6:15pm Wellness/SEL Committee 7:00pm Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Scheduled Audience to the Public For the complete agenda go to: https://5il.co/2vhbr
18 days ago, Vicki Stewart
Hello Marshwood Families, There have been changes to some of the MSAD 35 bus runs. All families that may have a change should receive a separate email notification this afternoon. If you have any questions please call the Transportation Department. They will be in the office until 5:45 pm this evening. We appreciate your patience, The MSAD 35 Transportation Department 207-384-4681
18 days ago, Vicki Stewart
Marshwood Graduation 2024 - Livestream Link https://www.youtube.com/live/DZKDgJ2PYXc
3 months ago, Terri Leach
Marshwood Graduation 2024
A Reminder from our Cafeterias Per Maine law, breakfast and lunch are free to all students in all grades.
6 months ago, Vicki Stewart
There is a New MSAD 35 Resource for Families. A family resource page (Hawk Hub) is located here: (https://sites.google.com/rsu35.org/marshwoodparentpage...) This web page is a dedicated parent website for important resources and general information.
over 1 year ago, Vicki Stewart
Good News from the Marshwood School Board There is a link to School Board Presentations: https://www.rsu35.org/page/board-presentations
over 1 year ago, Vicki Stewart
The App to Use for All Marshwood Information
about 2 years ago, Vicki Stewart
The App to Use for All Marshwood Information
All Marshwood Students are Eligible for Free Meals MSAD #35 announces its policy to serve nutritious meals every school day under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Effective August 31, 2022, through June 30, 2023, all students registered and enrolled in Marshwood Schools are eligible for free meals regardless of household income. Lunch and breakfast are provided for students in K-12 and Pre-K students will be provided with either breakfast or lunch depending on the session they attend (AM/PM). Students that bring cold lunch and order milk, will be charged $.40.
about 2 years ago, Vicki Stewart
Please visit the School Board Page on Thrillshare for updates and informations https://www.rsu35.org/page/school-board
about 2 years ago, Vicki Stewart
Please visit the  School Board Page on Thrillshare f
MSAD 35 Transportation announces the ability to send alerts when bus runs are running behind 10 minutes or more through LiveFeed and FaceBook. Make sure you are signed up on the ThrillShare App.
over 2 years ago, MSAD 35 Transportation
MSAD 35 Marshwood Substitute Teaching Opportunities Substitute Teachers are paid $112.50 per day. Substitute Educational Technicians are an hourly rate $15.00 per hour Administrative Assistants substitutes are an hourly rate $16.20 per hour. Substitute Nurses are paid $140.00 per day. Electronic applications are encouraged for any substitute position advertised and can be completed electronically on SchoolSpring (https://www.schoolspring.com/jobs/?employer=10587) Please contact Therese Letellier. Therese.Letellier@rsu35.org
almost 3 years ago, Vicki Stewart
Inclement Weather Protocol https://5il.co/12o9c
almost 3 years ago, Vicki Stewart
MSAD 35 News June 9, 2021 Dear Families and Staff, First of all thanks for your hard work, patience and support during this school year; it was tough but here we are, June 2021 and things are definitely looking brighter! A couple of notes on the upcoming vaccination clinic: COVID Vaccination Clinics will be held on June 11 at MHS from 8:30-10:00 and MMS from 10:15-12:15. Your student’s vaccination card is at the site (school) where they received their first dose. If you need to get the second dose at a different site, please contact the RN at the school where the first dose was administered to pick up their card. Your student can receive the first dose during this clinic. You will need to fill out the consent form for them to bring with them. If you need a consent form, please contact me Judy Doran RN or your school nurse and we’ll send one out to you. You are welcome to be present and can fill out a consent on site but your attendance is not required. The Pfizer vaccine has received Emergency Use Authorization for children aged 12 and up and is widely available in Maine if you decide to hold off on getting your child vaccinated now but would like to in the future. COVID-19 Vaccinations are our ticket out of this pandemic. The more people who are vaccinated, the less restrictions we all face and the safer our communities are for all people. I often get too wordy in these letters, but today I’m going to keep it short. Thanks again! Thank you Bus Drivers! Thank you Custodians! Thank you Teachers! Thank you Ed Techs! Thank you Admin Assists! Thank you Food Service Folks! Thank you Families! Thank you Kids! Thank you Admin! Thank you Nurses, every one in every building! You all put in mighty effort and kept up with us as we tried to figure out next best steps. I think the next best step is taking a minute to breathe, giving ourselves credit for this year, allowing some down time, being patient with one another and moving forward. OK maybe some ice cream, parks, mountains, beach, music, dining, hiking, connecting with friends, family, whatever…...just remember you’ve all been through the wringer, some more than others. Take the time you need to breathe and move forward. Thanks again and here’s to summer! The MSAD35 Nursing Team
over 3 years ago, Vicki Stewart
June 4, 2021 Good Afternoon, Today, Friday, June 4, 2021, I am pleased to announce that Governor Janet Mills, working in collaboration with the Maine Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, and the Maine Center for Disease Control, has updated the State of Maine risk assessment color coding-system, maintaining York County’s status as “Green”. I am even more pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services will discontinue updating the biweekly coding system and will move to an “as needed” model. I take this change as another indication that we are making great strides in overcoming this pandemic. What a long road this has been! All schools will continue to provide in-person instruction, as outlined in our Reopening Plan. The buildings will continue to follow their published schedules. Thank you all for your continued support of our students, staff and schools. Please remember: Let’s all fly like H.A.W.K.S. H - Hands, wash them when you enter or leave a room. A - Assess - Self Assess your health every day. If you are sick, stay home. W - Wellness - Be aware of your mental and physical wellness. K - Keep your masks on. S - Social Distance We are all in this together!! ------------------ As this pandemic continues to stress, not only to us as individuals, but also as an entire country, we believe that is important to celebrate some of the wonderful things taking place in our schools. Hawks High Fives are an effort to share some of those wonderful things happening across the district. If you would like to share something about a volunteer, staff member or a student, please reach out to Mrs. Vicki Stewart (Vicki.stewart@rsu35.org). A Hawks High Five to all of our Marshwood Seniors. Today is your last day of academics at Marshwood High School. I hope that you enjoy your preparation for the graduation ceremony next week. I know the school year may not have been what you had envisioned, but thank you for showing such resiliency. I am so proud of all of you! Have a wonderful weekend! John Caverly
over 3 years ago, Vicki Stewart
School Board Meeting 7:00 PM June 2, 2021. https://5il.co/thza
over 3 years ago, Vicki Stewart