Spring STEM Activities

Spring STEM Activities

 In Mrs.Darling’s First Grade class, students were given five straws, fourth breath savers, one rectangular piece of cardboard, one Peep, and were allowed to use an unlimited amount of tape, as well as paper.  The challenge was to create a vessel that could carry a Peep the furthest with just three puffs of air from the creator.  We worked on it at the end of the day for two days, and at the end of the second working period we "raced" them.  They had to think like an engineer, and when they encountered problems with their construction, they had to rethink and change their designs.  All students were able to successfully create a vessel or "mobile" that moved!

In Mrs.Arbelo’s Second Grade class, the students were challenged to build the strongest structure possible using jelly beans and toothpicks. Some students’ structures were able to withstand the weight of 6 hardcover books!