
Have you ever wanted to come to school dressed up in a costume? This is the time: On Friday, October 25 at our school assembly we will host a vocabulary parade. Costumes MUST be based on an approved vocabulary word, and this is our only costume celebration day. Choose a word, any vocabulary word, that you could come to school dressed as. What is the best “newfangled” word for any letter of the alphabet? Be original! Choose words others don’t know - add to OUR vocabulary. 

     Transform a word into a costume. Your costume can be any creative interpretation of the word. If it is best displayed or defined by more than one person, you may work in pairs. Remember to include the chosen vocabulary word on the costume somewhere visible. Each student must turn in an entry form to their Advisory teacher, with the following information: name, grade/team, vocabulary word, definition, and synonym phrase.

If you are stuck in choosing a word here are some sites to visit:
